Christiana Gaudet

Tarot Grandmaster

3559 Southwest Corporate Parkway Palm City, FL, 34990 United States

866-99TAROT 866-998-2768 (Toll Free) 561-655-1160 (Text or Call) 772-207-1852 (Palm City)

Tarot is a book of spiritual wisdom in picture form that tells the story of all human experience.

With tarot, we connect with Spirit to discern wise guidance for the present, develop understanding of the past, and learn ways to work to manifest our goals and possibilities for the future.

If you are interested in the tarot and other tools of divination please begin with my tarot news page!

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Filtering by Tag: Jupiter Frequency

Tarot Translation Group Week Two

Tarot ReadersWelcome to the Jupiter Frequency Tarot Translation Group Blog Hop Week Two. To see the list of links, or to join in the fun, visit The Jupiter Frequency.

The premise of what we are doing is this. Each week, we have a question, and three cards pulled to answer it. We each look at the question, and the three cards, and each give our own interpretation of what we see, all based on those same three cards. You can join the group on Facebook and play with us!

Here is this week's challenge, submitted by one of the group members.


The Question: My spouse and I seem to be on different energy cycles lately; my energy is up, when his is down and vice versa. It’s making both of us irritable. In what ways can we work through these ups and downs together?


The Cards: (Note: this is a three card spread, no specific meanings attached to any of the positions. Cards are listed from left to right.)


Using the Shadowscapes Tarot I pulled: The Chariot, The Five of Cups (RX), Nine of Pentacles


My take is this. The Chariot tells me there has been some traveling. Perhaps you have been traveling together, separately, or both. The travel has impacted the vibe between you.

The five of Cups reversed is a clear message to you. You, as the old song goes, must "ac-cen-tuate the positive, e-lim-inate the negative, latch on to the affirmative…" You must do this in your own thinking, and in your conversation with him. You must generate a positive energy. If you do it first, he will pick up on it and his energy level will begin to match yours.

The Nine of Pentacles suggests two things to me. One is that you should not let this period in your relationship make you feel insecure in yourself or in your relationship. Two is that you each need to find the right boundaries for private time and space and time and space together.

Each relationship has energy cycles. Some are more pleasant than others. Things like travel, changes in schedule or tight quarters can causes uncomfortable energy cycles. Be patient and be positive and you will find your balance together.